Published by
on November 5, 2020
When a thought, a feeling becomes persistent and I want to materialize them through an artistic expression, watercolor is the most appropriate means for a spontaneous but also profound manifestation at the same time. In this case, with the help of water-based pigments I managed to materialize my idea about what can be read on the face of a man who has reached an honorable age but who brings with him memories, feelings and nostalgia of the past, imprints he wears with dignity on his face.
This work is made on a 100% cotton paper, 300g, the colors used are of professional quality and its size is 76x56cm.
The color range is cold, the predominant colors being green, ultramarine blue and to a lesser extent shades of red.
Recent demonstrations
Oil painting on canvas, watercolor landscape and portrait, custom portrait. Original artwork by artist Gabrie Andrei.
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Knowing what is the subject to paint (a portrait, a landscape, etc.), you can order a custom painting ...
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