Custom portrait, oil painting, watercolors and acrylics

Custom portrait, landscapes and portraits in oil, watercolors and acrylics, by the plastic artist Gabriel Andrei.

Gabriel Andrei

The artist belongs to his work

Painting is the state of mind of the artist expressed in colors and the canvas on which the artist paints is the mind of the spectator.

Gabriel Andrei

About this website

Gabriel Andrei, landscape and portraitist painter

Oil painting on canvas, watercolor landscape and portrait, custom watercolor , oil on canvas or acrylic portrait.
Original artwork by artist Gabrie Andrei.

Gabriel Andrei artista

Recent works

Portret de barbat cu turban

Bărbat cu turban

Acuarelă 76/56 cm



Acuarelă 100/80 cm

Portretul unui bătrân cu bască

Portretul unui bătrân cu bască

Acuarelă 76/56 cm

Acuarelă - peisaj din Andalucia

Peisaj urban din Andalucia

Ulei pe pânză 100/80 cm

Intersectie Madrid

Peisaj urban

Acuarelă 76/56 cm

Acuarela gara Atocha 2

Gara Atocha

Acuarelă 100/80 cm

Portret de copil

Portret de copil

Pastel 76/56 cm

Acuarelă - Intrarea în piața Mayor - Salamanca

Piața Mayor, Salamanca

Acuarelă 100/100 cm


Portret de batrână

Acuarelă 76/56 cm

Acuarelă - peisaj din Horche

Peisaj urban din Andalucia

Acuarelă 100/100 cm

Balerină acuarela


Acuarelă 76/56 cm

Acuarelă - Trandafiri

Trandafiri roșii

Acuarelă 56/76 cm

Peisaj urban


Acuarelă 76/56 cm

Acuarela Brancusi

Constantin Brâncuși

Acuarelă 100/100 cm

Acuarelă - catedrală veche din Guadalajara

Biserica Santa Maria

Ulei pe pânză 100/80 cm

Gabriel Andrei

Oil painting on canvas, watercolor landscape and portrait, custom portrait. Original artwork by artist Gabrie Andrei.

Gabriel Andrei


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How can I order a custom portrait?

Knowing what is the subject to paint (a portrait, a landscape, etc.), you can order a custom painting ...

How can I buy a arwork?

You can buy any painting available in each of the sections of my website and start the purchase process in a simple and safe way ...

© 2020 Grabriel Andrei

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